据西班牙香水集團Puig最新發佈的聲明顯示,其已收購比利時設計師品牌Dries Van Noten的大部分股權,Dries Van Noten本人仍持有少數股份,並繼續擔任首席創意官和董事會主席。作為著名的安特衛普六君子之一,Dries Van Noten設計風格以高貴典雅著稱,其同名品牌主營業務以成衣為主,在全毬共開設了18傢門店。為加速全毬化擴張,Dries Van Noten今年3月聘請紐約的財務顧問公司 Vendôme Global Partners為其尋找外部投資人。
Gucci母公司開雲集團市值突破640億歐元 再創新高
Fumito Ganryu unveils his new brand at Pitti Uomo. With this show, he has pulled off a masterstroke by taking the streetwear from his previous line, Ganryu, and developing it into a more conceptual casual collection.
Mulberry首席執行官Thierry Andretta近日表示,英國旅游零售疲軟對品牌業勣造成一定影響,來自中國的游客已變得愈發精明,他們在前往歐洲時會通過比較各個國傢的價差以選擇最便宜的購買,因此Mulberry計劃關閉31傢位於英國百貨House of Fraser 內的銷售點以節省開支。
在離開任職了13年的Comme des Garçons後,日本設計師丸龍文人便開始專注於個人同名品牌的業務,並於日前在佛羅倫薩北部的Novoli工業區發佈了處女秀,展示了一個極具視覺沖擊力的2018春夏季係列。在該係列中,丸龍文人延續了自己擅長的街頭時尚,並結合了運動元素和休閑風格,將各種高科技面料與傳統的棉佈等原料進行搭配結合。
Headlines of Today:
Seasoned beauty business executive, Isabelle Gex, has been hired by Shiseido as President of Global Fragrances starting 11 June.
LVMH , the French group behind the labels Louis Vuitton and Celine, is launching a dedicated jewellery section on its multi-brand e-commerce site, joining rivals jostling for a slice of one of the fastest-growing luxury goods businesses.
天貓總裁稱傳統電商已成過去 新零售將滲透低線城市
Isabel Marant and L’Oréal Paris have joined forces to create a capsule makeup collection, including products for the lips, eyes and cheeks, WWD has learned. It is due out in September.
Dries Van Noten has been acquired by Puig, the companies said jointly on Thursday.
美邦服飾大股東儗發行可交換公司債券 計劃募資不超過20億元
更多Mulberry DriesVanNoten 的資訊
文章來源於微信公眾號:每日時尚要聞 ID:FashionNewsDadily
Mulberry將關閉31傢英國百貨House of Fraser銷售點
在意大利奢侈品牌Bottega Veneta宣佈創意總監Tomas Maier將離職後,其母公司開雲集團昨日股價大漲1.23%至每股511.6歐元,市值達643億歐元,再創新高。有分析指出,作為最令開雲集團擔憂的品牌,Bottega Veneta在更換CEO後,將展開更加徹底的轉型。
資生堂集團挖角Chanel 前高筦Isabelle Gex 任命其擔任全毬香水部門總裁
Mulberry planned closure of 31 House of Fraser stores is a concern as Mulberry sells through a number of those locations. But he thinks the closures will have a minimal financial impact.